LeanStart Programme
LeanStart is designed to encourage clients to adopt Lean business in their organisation to increase performance and competitiveness. Certainly, Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across the globe to address competitiveness issues by building the capability of their people to identify problems and improve operations.
Above all, Lean is not just for manufacturing companies. Software and internationally traded services companies can avail of funding under Enterprise Ireland Lean Business Offer to drive improvements and efficiencies in their business.

Lean Start is open to small and medium company that are Enterprise Ireland clients or potential clients who have been trading for at least 5 years engaged in manufacturing or eligible internationally traded services.
The LeanStart final report is submitted to Enterprise Ireland/IDA for final grant allocation.
The maximum level of grant support is up to 50% of eligible costs incurred to a maximum grant of Euro 50,000.
This programme is designed for online learning and mentor sessions. Please contact us for further details.
What Costs are Eligible?
The eligible costs are for external Training or Advisory Services provided by a suitable Lean Service provider. Enterprise Ireland will provide grant funding for 80% of the project cost up to a maximum of €6,300 (€5,000 grant). This is based on 7 days Training or Advisory Services where the eligible costs are capped at €900 per day inclusive of travel and subsistence and all out-of-pocket expenses. Note that actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher.
External Trainers/Consultants
The costs of hiring a specialist external trainer/consultant to input into or undertake the proposed Business Process Improvement Assignment are eligible. The consultancy rate per day is to be inclusive of travel and subsistence and all out-of-pocked expenses. The maximum consultancy rate is €900 per day.

Course Outline
- Mentor Session – Half Day – Meet management team and pick projects.
- Training – 1 Day – Lean introduction – Your business as a process – TAKT time – A structure for improvement.
- Mentor Session – Half Day – Voice of the customer – 10 wastes – Process mapping.
- Training – 1 Day – 8-step problem-solving.
- Mentor Session – Half Day – Updated charter – Data collection and analysis – SIPOC – Process map detail
- Training – 1 Day – 5S workplace organisation – Kanban and Pull systems – SMED or Critical Window Thinking – Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
- Mentor Session – Half Day – VSM Review.
- Training – Half Day – Project Review – Kaizen – Quality – Standard Work.
- Mentor Session – Half Day – Kanban – SMED – Kaizen – Mistake Proofing – Layout.
- Mentor Session – Half Day – Presentation Preparation.
- Training – Half Day – Project Presentation.

Learning Outcomes
1. Provide a foundation for future Lean improvement projects.
2. Incorporate First Steps to Green Competitiveness Guidebook.
3. An introduction to Lean concepts.
4. An understanding of what the tools and techniques can achieve for your company.
Case Studies
You can also read our case studies to see how our clients used LeanStart to improve their business.
“A very worthwhile and enjoyable experience. Putting what you learn immediately into practice in what you are trying to achieve really paid off.”
“Lean has allowed our business approach the reduction and elimination of wastes within our processes in a structured way that harnesses the energy of staff in a positive and safe environment. It has led to improvements in our services that will allow us to compete more effectively and offer clients additional value.”