5S Workplace Organisation

5S Workplace Organisation

Is there significant time lost in your organisation due to lack of organisation?  Do you have a system to organise what is required in your operation? 

5S Workplace Organisation is the principle of waste elimination in a business.  It is derived from the Japanese words seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke.  We can translate these words as sort, straighten, scrub, systematise and standardise.

How much time is lost in a business planning?  What needs to be done at the right time? Have mistakes been made as a result of this?  To clarify, this system focuses on putting everything where it belongs and keeping the workplace clean, which makes it easier for people to do their jobs without wasting time or risking injury. 

5S Workplace Organisation

By having a systematically organised workplace, a company increases the likelihood that production will occur exactly as it should.  Furthermore, these principles can transform any company and deliver immediate efficiency and quality gains.

5S is a workplace organisation method to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in a workplace by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new organisational system.  The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardisation, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.  The methodology can equally be applied to a virtual working environment.

Better Employee Engagement throughout your Company

Improve and Enhance your Customer Experience

Improve End-to-End Process Flow and Accuracy

Create a More Focused and Profitable Business

5S workplace organisation in factory

“Before taking part in this programme, I had never used Lean tools before and didn’t even know what most were.  Learning about Lean has given me a new insight into how our business works, and has given me fantastic ideas on how we can do things in a new way.  Engaging all staff and stakeholders has been a significant benefit.”

“This course opens your eyes when you step back and look at the process unfold from start to finish.  It helps you understand the wastes and the non-productive side of business.  It shows you the rewards that can be achieved and makes everybody’s job better for the future.”

5s workplace organisation in library

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Background and history of 5S
  • Benefits of this approach
  • Waste elimination
  • Observation of work practices
  • Analysing the 5 Principles of Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardise and Sustain
  • Exploring the visual factory
  • How to implement this Principle in any organisation
  • You will be able to employ 5s to organise an element of your workplace and implement appropriate visual controls
  • Identify only what is necessary in your working environment
  • Ensure all necessary items have appropriate storage capacity
  • Implement a care/maintenance programme
  • Standardise your workplace
  • Audit any work environment against the 5s standard

This programme is suitable for any personnel engaging in business process improvement.

All participants receive an LeanTeams Certificate of Attendance.

This training programme is delivered online. Please contact us for further details.

Contact us for further details.

Case Studies

You can also read our case studies to see how our clients used 5S Workplace Organisation to improve their business.

Empower your Team